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The Journal of a British Chaplain in Paris during the Peace Negotiations of 1801-2. From the unpublished MS. of the Revd. Dawson Warren, M.A., unofficially attached to the diplomatic mission of Mr. Francis James Jackson, edited, with notes, a preface, and historical introduction by A. M. Broadley. With forty illustrations, chiefly from materials collected by Mr. Dawson Warren during his sojourn in France

The Journal of a British Chaplain in Paris during the Peace Negotiations of 1801-2. From the unpublished MS. of the Revd. Dawson Warren, M.A., unofficially attached to the diplomatic mission of Mr. Francis James Jackson, edited, with notes, a preface, and historical introduction by A. M. Broadley. With forty illustrations, chiefly from materials collected by Mr. Dawson Warren during his sojourn in France

LI, 283 с.

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