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On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, containing an investigation of the correspondence of writing with speech in England from the Anglosaxon period to the present day. Part IV : Illustrations of the pronunciation of English in the XVII th. and XVIII th., and XIX th. centuries. Lediard, Bonaparte, Schmeller, Winkler. Received American and Irish pronunciation of English. Phonological introduction to dialects

On Early English Pronunciation, with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, containing an investigation of the correspondence of writing with speech in England from the Anglosaxon period to the present day. Part IV : Illustrations of the pronunciation of English in the XVII th. and XVIII th., and XIX th. centuries. Lediard, Bonaparte, Schmeller, Winkler. Received American and Irish pronunciation of English. Phonological introduction to dialects

сс. 997-1432

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